Hello Out There
We are never alone in this Universe. There are entities beyond what our humanness sees here on Earth. And here on Earth, we have many human concerns. There is no lack of diverse energies coming in and out and around our human bodies.
And just as we have energetic strands to other people, places, objects and beliefs, we have entity attachments as well. This is not something to fear though some would exploit this idea in a different way. Energetic strands are formed to everyone.
As we can get bogged down with these densities, we also have the power to clear them. We are able to intentionally and actively allow what does not serve us to be released on an energetic level.
Illness is another way we can get bogged down with negative beliefs. The judgment of the state of illness, whether it be the common cold or something more serious, is layered with negative components that become defeating to our recovery.
All of which there surfaces the same question: "why did I manifest this?" The feeling of "what did I do wrong" that this has come to me is felt strongly. This judgment creates a fear which in turn has an opposite effect on the body's natural way of surrendering to what is. There is healing and peace with the energy of surrender. Not giving up, but surrender.
Nothing was done "wrong". You are not "less than". There is nothing to fear. Everything comes to us for a reason. The next time you feel yourself judging your circumstances or possibly someone else judging your circumstances, take a moment to see the Grace in what is. See the information being shared. See it as a beautiful reminder of the journey of living Spirit embodied. And yes, the human condition gets ill and forms attachments. But know you always have the power. Learn to clear and release what needs to be transmuted. Do your best to eat real foods and support your body with supplemental care.
Always see your Sparkle!
As we are blessed with another day, celebrate YOU in this world! I do!
Yours in sickness and in health,
Blinded By The Light
The other day, as I was driving, I was feeling unsettled about a recent situation. The sky was gray, the roads were wet and the rain continued to spot the windshield. As my thoughts and the weather seemed to be in alignment, I was unexpectedly filled with a blissful sense of love and peace. It was quite a beautiful experience being lovingly cradled in this place of duality. I had never seen or felt so much Light in the rain before. You see, as we do the inner work and are able to release the density of what does not serve us, our vibration raises. We begin to see Love in ALL things - no matter how we once labeled them.
We all have shadow density. This is not something to be feared. It is continual. It is the process of the journey. It is not a deficiency.
These densities are part of our human make up that unfold our journey. However, it is not easy to look at the densities in ourselves. Our shadow density will cycle within us until we are ready to begin the process of releasing. Most people find themselves going through the same pattern of pain, circling back with no answer. Fear causes us to repeat these cycles. We tend to first look outside of ourselves for the solution or to blame until we are ready to look within.
We must go within and look at that part of ourselves that we do not want to see. We must be aware of our own shadow density so that we are able to fully step into the best we can be.
You will know when you are ready to release a shadow density. You will have the realization that you are done with the cycle when you no longer wish to feel this density cycling through your body. Keep in mind, as you get closer to releasing the density, it will get stronger before it is ready to transmute.
Be not afraid though you may feel alone. Others may tend to manipulate with fear. Not because they are bad and most of the time not even on purpose. But they themselves are afraid.
Grow your trust and faith in the higher power.
Ask....Pray....Give your fear to the Light.
Allow yourself to look at what feeds your Shadow.
Trust in the Light to move you through and release feeding the fear.
Get still though fear will say you don't have time to be still.
Divine Guidance is real. You only need to be still and feel.
Go within and you will be connected.
The answer you have been searching for will slowly unfold in Divine timing that is for your highest soul evolution.
I See the Light in YOU.
And so it is.
In Peace & Love,
Light Up Your Life!
Happy New Year! As the energy shifts us into this new decade, I hope you all are adjusting well. It is a significant switch from where we have been, so give yourself plenty of moments of rest and stillness during the next 10 days or so. 2020 is a masculine year. The masculine energy is an energy of action, of doing, of bringing things into being. As we move through January, we release and transmute the things that no longer serve us. We can release in a number of ways....with fire, by intention, envisioning white light, working with the full moon. We go forward into the year and move into action as our ideas, creativity and dreams are brought into fruition.
As I look back on the teachings in my newsletters throughout 2019, it is interesting to me how few opened the teaching on "Ego" back in June. It did not surprise me though. The ego can be a difficult and uncomfortable place to bring awareness. Looking at all parts of ourselves can bring up emotions that we have learned to stuff down. It is not until we learn a new, more kind approach to seeing ourselves with an evolved sense of compassion can we continue to learn and grow in healthy ways that will serve and heal ourselves and this planet.
I offer my Inner Wisdom Classes to those choosing the path of deep inner work and also to those just starting out with curiosity of the energetic world. With a kind, open heart, we work together to uncover and discover what is needed to grow and evolve. We work first with establishing a personally unique connection to Source and move into understanding how to work with energy. We then move into balancing the mind, body and soul connection and from there we explore inner landscape through Shadow/Light and social conditioning. You will be guided through meditations and enlightening exercises in each class. My teachings are direct, clear, and simple with no distractions or unnecessary information to complicate things. I have designed them to empower clients and build confidence. The classes are set up in this structure but know as we work together energetically we adjust the flow accordingly. You set the pace and I will hold the space.
As you continue to practice these lessons, you will uncover and discover three core aspects of living:
True Love for yourself.
You will reconnect with a deep sense of love for yourself. You will experience compassion at a deeper level that will automatically, without the need to try, allow judgement of yourself and others first to soften, then gradually to fall away. And when judgement surfaces once more, you will be aware of it in a more compassionate way. This acceptance of yourself will open you in a whole new way.
Develop a sense of balance.
You will be able to allow a visceral understanding that you are Spirit. You will look out into the world with a strong sense that you are the world. The sense of BLISS AS SPIRIT while having the knowing and ability to also BE IN YOUR BODY. Hence, practicing the balance of duality.
Let Soul Lead.
The importance in your life of societal measurement of "things" will slowly fall away. You will still have needs, desires and goals, however, what will change is your focus. You will gradually become more focused on Love then on achieving societal honored gains. You will allow your Soul rather than your Ego to lead. Your conscience will be your guide with Self-Honesty, Self-Truth, and Integrity of the Self coming to the forefront.
We must first balance ourselves in this way and experience true oneness within before and as we experience true oneness as a planet. I say planet because true oneness encompasses people, animals, plants and trees, water sources, and all universal beings. That is where we are going. Come take my hand, let's travel together!
Live the Miracle of Life!
Much Love,
Simply Divine by Nature
A Good Morning "PS"
Our design is not an "accident".
Having an ego is not an "mistake".
We ALL have egos for a purpose.
If we don't let them "loose" (with compassion), how will we ever derive our purpose.
How will we get to where we are going by denying a part of ourselves.
There is much to learn by bringing awareness to this aspect of ourselves.
Simply strive to be the best YOU you can be.
AND have FUN!!
Many Blessings!
You Don't Bring Me Flowers
Welcome Winter Solstice!
Over the years, I have gradually come to embrace this time of year in a new way. As activity tends to slow down a bit, it opens more space to go within. I find more moments to appreciate and cherish my time here on Earth. In the stillness of the winter season, getting cozy and warm indoors or going for a brisk winter walk, I give myself permission to create space to take time for reflection. Reflection can be a simple step of great importance that tends to get overlooked.
There is a grand scale of consciousness in our world. The orchestra of the Universe has many instruments. So in contrast to stillness, this time of year can also bring a great deal of chaos and anxiety. Moments that take us by surprise as we become caught up in the swirl of the holiday season. When we get overwhelmed in one of these moments, we must stop and remind ourselves to take one deep breath. This breath will reconnect us to the innate knowledge that we are held. We will remember the Love that lives within and also all around us.
Feel in your heart the totality of the truth of the magic of Love that surrounds you.
Look out into the world, into the eyes of others, with Love in your eyes overflowing from your heart.
Trust in the interwoven tapestry that is designed by a Higher Power.
Pray that you remain humble in Its presence.
As blissful as it is to connect with Divine Love, we must also remain in our body. Divine Love is within us and so is the human ego. Living in balance of both is what we call true "Oneness". Try not to deny or stuff down your ego. Your ego needs expression and awareness in order to evolve. Feel safe to embrace your true self compassionately. Without your ego, you would not be able to see your own progression. Commit to Being YOU. Enjoy being the fullest, truest, most honest expression of your human self. Feel the FREEDOM within as you choose to accept yourself exactly as you are right now. LOVE BEING YOU!!
THIS is true personal transformation and illumination! This is true Oneness!
And know Winter does bring flowers. Just in the form of seeds awaiting the Light.
Wishing you a winter that SPARKLES with Light!
In the Light of Love,
Waves of Change, Release Me
I hope you have had a moment or two to celebrate with the full moon today. The "Cold Moon" as it is referred to, at it's fullest 12:12 am today. 12:12 = "you have the power to bring healing and light to the world!" This moon is all about completion of a cycle. Are you feeling complete? I AM!
However, during a series of recent events, I was reminiscent of the feeling of being crushed by wave after wave in the ocean when I was young. The memory of tumbling through the water with loss of control of my arms and legs only to end up face plant in the sand.
Life can be like that. Just when you get yourself secure and standing, a wave comes and knocks you over. In one moment you are being knocked over by waves, and the next moment gentle waves are rippling on an otherwise smooth surface.
This is life. The ebb and flow. There is nothing "wrong" with you. This is the journey of the human experience. There are times when we are pushed to release what no longer serves us. We are being guided to find the gems of the depth of our own Truth. Just as in childbirth, birthing new expressions of ourselves is not always comfortable and pain-free. Do your best to open to the duality of the journey.
My thoughts have also centered around those of us starting out on their spiritual journey hoping to get it "right".
We will always experience uncontrolled events, polarity of the human life, and loses of loved ones. The idea of conscious manifestation is not the ability to control every aspect of your life. Conscious living does not equal the perfect life. When things go "wrong", it doesn't mean you have failed. Try not to fear the chaos. The tapestry being woven is not for us to see. If we could see everything that lies ahead, we would try to control it. The unseen is meant to deepen our experience.
And, the next time you find yourself being knocked to the sand, remember, the best shells are hidden just below the sand's surface.
Surfs Up!
BBQ or Fried?
I awoke to the smell of burning grease. I heard my son say gently, "Mom, Mom are you awake? I made breakfast for you." I slowly rolled out of my warm cocoon and opened my bedroom door. There was a thick, hazy cloud heavily floating through the air. "Mom, I made bacon and frog legs. Come try some!" He had cooked a whole pound of bacon and then fried frog legs in the bacon grease. At now 7:30 am, the second batch of frog legs were cooking on the grill with BBQ sauce. Interesting aroma first thing in the morning for sure, but his enthusiasm was invigorating. We had a lot of fun taste testing his creations. A "chewy chicken" we both agreed. Seeing what worked and what did not, we planned for the next "frog leg" breakfast. BBQ or fried? How fortunate we are to have choices.
On the days I drive to the office to work with clients, I am always led down a particular street off the beaten path. As I drive down this street, with intention, I open to the deepest Divine Love, the kind that feels as though it is bursting from your heart. With intention, I allow myself to become a vessel for this Love to be shared and vibrate outward. With Intention, I hold the thought that if only for today:
may at least one abuser choose not to hit their spouse or child
may at least one addict choose not to get high on drugs
may at least one criminal choose not to steal
may someone's love grow stronger
may someone's hug last longer
may we all live from the truth of our CONSCIENCE
(not consciousness....CONSCIENCE)
So, as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I encourage you to choose moments of intentional uplifting and love. The intention set could be specific or general. Just feel love and share through intention.
As you enjoy your holiday feast, take each bite with the intention that ALL be nourished. Nourished in body, mind, and soul!
With Intentional Blessings,
Full Moon Fever
(The Hunter's Full Moon tonight - Prepare to go within)
It's wonderful to be positive. It just feels great. The world is a softer, brighter, more happier place.
Positive thoughts are healthier. We know this now; it has been proven scientifically.
In the spiritual community today, there is great emphasis on being positive and exampling positivity.
Does that mean we remain positive in every moment even when facing challenging life experiences?
Possibly. Sometimes. Maybe.
When faced with challenging situations, most find themselves in a place of negativity. Judgement and doubt creep in almost instantly. The feeling of "losing your center" and no longer behaving as a spiritual being is one of the most common judgements that surface. There appears to be fear around negativity, especially in the spiritual community. Fear about doing it "wrong" or behaving "wrongly". I would encourage you to take a moment and look closer at any fear surrounding negativity or the appearance of negativity in yourself.
Being negative in challenging times is natural.
Yes, natural....even instinctual.
It's a form of protection. Being negative is a way for us to see all options and discern choices for safety and well being. Safety for our children, safety for ourselves, safety for our environment.
So, if you find yourself off center and not thinking the best thoughts, it's okay.
Give yourself the freedom tofeel the very emotions that surface. Allow acceptance and compassion for what is. This allowance will help youmove throughthe negativity. You may appear negative to the outside world, but inside you will grow! And as you grow, the sun will appear once more.
Allow negativity toflow throughyou when necessary as a catalyst to growth.
This is how we learn about ourselves.
This is how we experience vulnerability.
This is how we speak our Truth.
This is how we grow and evolve.
This is how we become empowered.
And then, allow Love be thy Will.
In the Light of Love,
Is Evil REAL?
I am awoken from my dark slumber in the wee hours of the morning. I turn on the light and begin to write. Each time I would turn off the light and close my eyes in the darkness, something more would appear to me in my mind's eye. So here we go, just 3 days before month end, October's newsletter presents itself.
Free FALLin'
The days continue to bask in the heat of summer. Flowers still bloom in their last attempt to drink the sun’s nourishment.
Though summer’s heat can still be felt, the trees begin to send the message. Whispers from a Grand Intelligence, I sense the signal of the fleeting summer. Piles of crinkly leaves tumble along the road and swirl with the air’s movement finding their way to a gathered pile. A seed is planted within me to welcome a transformative, new season.
As I reflect in this moment of awareness, I notice the symbolic similarities of me and my favorite tree. Standing in stillness with the lingering feel of summer yet noticing a restlessness from the growing intuitive knowledge of change. I sense the unfolding of a new season that is yet illusive to me and at the same time familiar.
How will change evolve me along my journey?
What new experiences await me?
What wisdom will be birthed in this new season?
I am the still, vibrant tree beginning to shed its leaves. Slowly and mindfully I move forward with the wisdom of a Higher Intelligence. This wisdom, all of which I have the ability to understand and access because, after all, it is a part of me.
As I write this, I am reminded that I will always have spring and summer within me; a living part of me as I move forward and open to the new seasons that patiently await me in synchronicity.
I love Fall! It is my favorite season. My senses come alive.
Though the days still hold summers heat, I enjoy the brisk evening air as I walk with my dog. And as we turn towards home, I see the soft glow of light coming from the window. I am filled with warmth and safety from that glow. I wrap my shawl around me. The soft Light in the Darkness….in this moment, I know I am held.
Celebrate in the Light of the Harvest Full Moon soon upon us!
Happy Chandra Namaskara!
Grant Me My Desire
Our ability to manifest our desire into reality is not akin to purchasing on amazon, nor is it the presence of a genie granting our wishes, it is not a magic trick.
Manifestation is an energetic ability innate in all.
It is simple.
It is Divine Wisdom.
There is no need for an hour-long explanation.
There is no need for a 10-step instruction to creating what we desire.
What is meant to come to us is already in our energy field.
When we are ready, we will receive.
We become receptive by going within.
We become receptive by living life with intention.
Follow the beat of your heart.
Allow Love to guide you.
SEE that which you wish to create play out in your third eye vision.
FEEL in your body that which you desire.
ALLOW that which you create to come alive in your day dream.
BE mesmerized and revitalized as your day dream comes alive right before your eyes and you begin to live that which you envisioned.
Manifesting is about your life becoming a magical adventure of your TRUTH coming into fruition.
Allow your Soul to take the lead and follow the signs of the Divine.
Believe in synchronicities.
Become filled with GRATITUDE for ALL of life’s experiences because you see the wisdom in these experiences.
Manifest some of life’s true magic today!
Manifestation is the walk towards our Truth – both Shadow & Light.
“When the night is overcome, you will rise to find the sun.”
Sweet Dreams,
Are you able to see the angel praying in the heavens?
Believe and you will see.