The other day, as I was driving, I was feeling unsettled about a recent situation. The sky was gray, the roads were wet and the rain continued to spot the windshield. As my thoughts and the weather seemed to be in alignment, I was unexpectedly filled with a blissful sense of love and peace. It was quite a beautiful experience being lovingly cradled in this place of duality. I had never seen or felt so much Light in the rain before. You see, as we do the inner work and are able to release the density of what does not serve us, our vibration raises. We begin to see Love in ALL things - no matter how we once labeled them.
We all have shadow density. This is not something to be feared. It is continual. It is the process of the journey. It is not a deficiency.
These densities are part of our human make up that unfold our journey. However, it is not easy to look at the densities in ourselves. Our shadow density will cycle within us until we are ready to begin the process of releasing. Most people find themselves going through the same pattern of pain, circling back with no answer. Fear causes us to repeat these cycles. We tend to first look outside of ourselves for the solution or to blame until we are ready to look within.
We must go within and look at that part of ourselves that we do not want to see. We must be aware of our own shadow density so that we are able to fully step into the best we can be.
You will know when you are ready to release a shadow density. You will have the realization that you are done with the cycle when you no longer wish to feel this density cycling through your body. Keep in mind, as you get closer to releasing the density, it will get stronger before it is ready to transmute.
Be not afraid though you may feel alone. Others may tend to manipulate with fear. Not because they are bad and most of the time not even on purpose. But they themselves are afraid.
Grow your trust and faith in the higher power.
Ask....Pray....Give your fear to the Light.
Allow yourself to look at what feeds your Shadow.
Trust in the Light to move you through and release feeding the fear.
Get still though fear will say you don't have time to be still.
Divine Guidance is real. You only need to be still and feel.
Go within and you will be connected.
The answer you have been searching for will slowly unfold in Divine timing that is for your highest soul evolution.
I See the Light in YOU.
And so it is.
In Peace & Love,