Hello Out There

We are never alone in this Universe.  There are entities beyond what our humanness sees here on Earth. And here on Earth, we have many human concerns.  There is no lack of diverse energies coming in and out and around our human bodies. 

And just as we have energetic strands to other people, places, objects and beliefs, we have entity attachments as well.  This is not something to fear though some would exploit this idea in a different way.  Energetic strands are formed to everyone. 

As we can get bogged down with these densities, we also have the power to clear them.  We are able to intentionally and actively allow what does not serve us to be released on an energetic level. 

Illness is another way we can get bogged down with negative beliefs.  The judgment of the state of illness, whether it be the common cold or something more serious, is layered with negative components that become defeating to our recovery.

All of which there surfaces the same question: "why did I manifest this?"  The feeling of "what did I do wrong" that this has come to me is felt strongly.  This judgment creates a fear which in turn has an opposite effect on the body's natural way of surrendering to what is.  There is healing and peace with the energy of surrender.  Not giving up, but surrender.

Nothing was done "wrong".  You are not "less than".  There is nothing to fear.  Everything comes to us for a reason. The next time you feel yourself judging your circumstances or possibly someone else judging your circumstances, take a moment to see the Grace in what is.  See the information being shared.   See it as a beautiful reminder of the journey of living Spirit embodied.  And yes, the human condition gets ill and forms attachments.  But know you always have the power.  Learn to clear and release what needs to be transmuted.  Do your best to eat real foods and support your body with supplemental care.

Always see your Sparkle!

As we are blessed with another day, celebrate YOU in this world!  I do!

Yours in sickness and in health,
