Reiki Certification Attunement Classes
Reiki I
Reiki II
Reiki III / Master
Reiki Master Teacher

Embark on an empowering journey with our Reiki Certification program. Begin practicing with Reiki I and continue on if you choose.

Dive into energy healing with expert guidance. Start your Reiki journey today!


Once your order is placed, please email Debra at to schedule your session.

Please note: Registration is final; no refunds. Please schedule mindfully.

Class Descriptions

Reiki I

Duration: approx. 120 min class

Learn the history and how to administer the ancient healing modality of Reiki. You will have the knowledge and ability to do a Reiki healing session with this first class in Reiki!

Reiki II

Duration: approx. 90 min class

Become attuned with the three sacred energetic symbols of Reiki Healing. Learn in depth the meaning and energy body of each symbol.

Prerequisite: Attunement in Reiki I

Reiki III / Master

Duration: approx. 90 min. class

Become attuned with a 4th symbol and learn how to move energy in great depth.

Prerequisite: Attunement in Reiki I & II; fluent in giving a Reiki treatment with at least 20 Reiki sessions completed. Reiki Master Attunements are best when the student has explored much inner-self work.

Reiki Master Teacher

Duration: Two 60-minute classes with a live volunteer for the second class

Become attuned as a Reiki Master Teacher with two final symbols, learn how to give an attunement and teach the healing modality of Reiki.

Prerequisite: Reiki III / Master Attunement by Debra Chooljian; fluent in giving a Reiki treatment with at least 30 Reiki sessions completed.