Hear Me Roar!

We meet for dinner, we go for walks, we sit outside on the porch and talk. We “trade” with each other – massage, Reiki, spiritual direction. Sometimes the giver, sometimes the receiver. That’s what we do. We make time, we meet and share and console and celebrate and support each other. We feel each other’s pain, happiness, excitement, loss.

As women, we hold it all, don’t we? Not always, but most of the time, the women tend to the emotional care-giving of the family.
(to the men: PLEASE keep reading. Your active support and uplifting of female collaboration are vital pieces of the healing process. You are not meant to take a “back seat”.)

Most importantly, we ALL love our children.

Our children.
Our children.

Raising our children is filled with sweet little moments as you look into your child’s eyes and see God Energy looking right back at you to unpredictable challenges you never saw coming. It’s not filled with designer names, glamor, or shiny new things. However, I can tell you what it is filled with……precious moments.

From snuggles and shared silliness to budding awkwardness to emerging adulthood, to full adulthood they remain our children holding our complete attention, awareness, and love. We do our best to balance holding on and letting go. Support and release. We remain steadfast. Perfection is not an option. Outcome uncertain. Except for the ever-present awareness from Spirit ~ all will be okay. It’s a Soul’s Journey.

Bringing ourselves back to center and choosing awareness over control. Becoming aware of our inner landscape so that we may show up vulnerable and present. We may not have the answers, but we will stand in Truth. This is courage. This is the only way.

The world today is really challenging…more so than in the past. The pressure of an unbalanced economy, toxic environments, food issues, and unaffordable healthcare has birthed severe disconnection which has created a gateway to intense anger, loneliness, sadness and eventually illness. There is great despair seen in people’s eyes and living in people’s hearts. And our children, yes, our children. They run the risk of intense pressure from “social” media with the sad reality of predators tempting and manipulating them through attractive ways. In some instances, childhood is being taken from our children.

We all need each other. It’s not about who is getting there first, or who is doing that better. As soon as we make it about ourselves, the energy shifts and Love is not the driving force. We all have something unique to add. We are being brought together for a purpose. We are being brought together to connect, share, live, love and heal! We are being brought together to heal our community, country, world.

We need to heal our inner landscape, so that we may put out our hand to help another, so that we may help grow our children and nourish the world…….often all at the same time.

Uplift the world in your thoughts, your words, your prayers.

Take hold of my hand….
Join hands, so shall we stand together.
Join hands, so shall we evolve together.
Join hands, so shall we rise together!

Let’s uplift each other today!

In celebration of connection,
sending much love,
