Grant Me My Desire

Our ability to manifest our desire into reality is not akin to purchasing on amazon, nor is it the presence of a genie granting our wishes, it is not a magic trick.

Manifestation is an energetic ability innate in all.

It is simple.

It is Divine Wisdom.

There is no need for an hour-long explanation.

There is no need for a 10-step instruction to creating what we desire.

What is meant to come to us is already in our energy field.

When we are ready, we will receive.

We become receptive by going within.

We become receptive by living life with intention.

Follow the beat of your heart.

Allow Love to guide you.

SEE that which you wish to create play out in your third eye vision.

FEEL in your body that which you desire.

ALLOW that which you create to come alive in your day dream.

BE mesmerized and revitalized as your day dream comes alive right before your eyes and you begin to live that which you envisioned.

Manifesting is about your life becoming a magical adventure of your TRUTH coming into fruition.

Allow your Soul to take the lead and follow the signs of the Divine.

Believe in synchronicities.

Become filled with GRATITUDE for ALL of life’s experiences because you see the wisdom in these experiences.

Manifest some of life’s true magic today!

Manifestation is the walk towards our Truth – both Shadow & Light.

“When the night is overcome, you will rise to find the sun.”

Sweet Dreams,

Are you able to see the angel praying in the heavens?                                                                                   Believe and you will see.

Are you able to see the angel praying in the heavens?
Believe and you will see.