Free FALLin'


The days continue to bask in the heat of summer.  Flowers still bloom in their last attempt to drink the sun’s nourishment.

Though summer’s heat can still be felt, the trees begin to send the message.  Whispers from a Grand Intelligence, I sense the signal of the fleeting summer.  Piles of crinkly leaves tumble along the road and swirl with the air’s movement finding their way to a gathered pile.  A seed is planted within me to welcome a transformative, new season.

As I reflect in this moment of awareness, I notice the symbolic similarities of me and my favorite tree.  Standing in stillness with the lingering feel of summer yet noticing a restlessness from the growing intuitive knowledge of change.  I sense the unfolding of a new season that is yet illusive to me and at the same time familiar. 

How will change evolve me along my journey?

What new experiences await me?

What wisdom will be birthed in this new season?

I am the still, vibrant tree beginning to shed its leaves.  Slowly and mindfully I move forward with the wisdom of a Higher Intelligence.  This wisdom, all of which I have the ability to understand and access because, after all, it is a part of me. 

As I write this, I am reminded that I will always have spring and summer within me; a living part of me as I move forward and open to the new seasons that patiently await me in synchronicity.

I love Fall!  It is my favorite season.  My senses come alive.

Though the days still hold summers heat, I enjoy the brisk evening air as I walk with my dog.  And as we turn towards home, I see the soft glow of light coming from the window.  I am filled with warmth and safety from that glow.  I wrap my shawl around me.  The soft Light in the Darkness….in this moment, I know I am held.


Celebrate in the Light of the Harvest Full Moon soon upon us!

Happy Chandra Namaskara!

