Is Evil REAL?


I am awoken from my dark slumber in the wee hours of the morning. I turn on the light and begin to write. Each time I would turn off the light and close my eyes in the darkness, something more would appear to me in my mind's eye. So here we go, just 3 days before month end, October's newsletter presents itself.

I hear in my mind's ear:

In order to reach more Light, we must go through deeper layers of Darkness.

My heart begins to ache, tears begin to fall, and I begin to write.


It's the natural balance of Divine Wisdom. We are not above Nature or the cycles of the Natural World. We are not separate. We are part of the collective natural order of the planet. However, as a collective, through a gradually growing arrogance, we have discounted this truth.

Addictions and distractions, human trafficking, death to drug addiction, suicide, mass shootings, extreme weather changes, excessive extinction of animal species. We are in the midst of war. War that secretly lies on every doorstep. The war of inhumanity. It is birthed from pride, greed, fear. Darkness counts on our denial and complacency of its existence. And Darkness, when left unbalanced by Light, is where the potential for evil lies.

Divine Wisdom will triumph. Divine Wisdom will restore the natural order. How this will look to we as humans remains to be seen.

It's time to turn on the Light! Turn to prayer. Pray to see with clarity. Pray to understand and know yourself and your darkness. What we clear within ourselves, feeds the collective as a whole. We all have Light and Dark within ourselves. When we understand this and how it presents within ourselves, we restore balance. Balance within the one is balance within the whole.

Keep reaching for the Light no matter how many times you fall to sleep in the Darkness.

Love will win.

Love always wins.

We have the power! Live it now.

Amidst the Light of Love,