You Don't Bring Me Flowers

Welcome Winter Solstice!

Over the years, I have gradually come to embrace this time of year in a new way.  As activity tends to slow down a bit, it opens more space to go within.  I find more moments to appreciate and cherish my time here on Earth.  In the stillness of the winter season, getting cozy and warm indoors or going for a brisk winter walk, I give myself permission to create space to take time for reflection.  Reflection can be a simple step of great importance that tends to get overlooked. 

There is a grand scale of consciousness in our world.  The orchestra of the Universe has many instruments.  So in contrast to stillness, this time of year can also bring a great deal of chaos and anxiety.  Moments that take us by surprise as we become caught up in the swirl of the holiday season.  When we get overwhelmed in one of these moments, we must stop and remind ourselves to take one deep breath.  This breath will reconnect us to the innate knowledge that we are held.  We will remember the Love that lives within and also all around us.

Feel in your heart the totality of the truth of the magic of Love that surrounds you.

Look out into the world, into the eyes of others, with Love in your eyes overflowing from your heart.

Trust in the interwoven tapestry that is designed by a Higher Power.

Pray that you remain humble in Its presence.

As blissful as it is to connect with Divine Love, we must also remain in our body.  Divine Love is within us and so is the human ego.  Living in balance of both is what we call true "Oneness".  Try not to deny or stuff down your ego.  Your ego needs expression and awareness in order to evolve.  Feel safe to embrace your true self compassionately.  Without your ego, you would not be able to see your own progression.  Commit to Being YOU.  Enjoy being the fullest, truest, most honest expression of your human self.  Feel the FREEDOM within as you choose to accept yourself exactly as you are right now.  LOVE BEING YOU!!

THIS is true personal transformation and illumination!  This is true Oneness!

And know Winter does bring flowers.  Just in the form of seeds awaiting the Light. 

Wishing you a winter that SPARKLES with Light!

In the Light of Love,
