Waves of Change, Release Me

I hope you have had a moment or two to celebrate with the full moon today.  The "Cold Moon" as it is referred to, at it's fullest 12:12 am today.  12:12 = "you have the power to bring healing and light to the world!"  This moon is all about completion of a cycle.  Are you feeling complete?  I AM!

However, during a series of recent events, I was reminiscent of the feeling of being crushed by wave after wave in the ocean when I was young.  The memory of tumbling through the water with loss of control of my arms and legs only to end up face plant in the sand. 


Life can be like that.  Just when you get yourself secure and standing, a wave comes and knocks you over.  In one moment you are being knocked over by waves, and the next moment gentle waves are rippling on an otherwise smooth surface.

This is life.  The ebb and flow.  There is nothing "wrong" with you.  This is the journey of the human experience.  There are times when we are pushed to release what no longer serves us.  We are being guided to find the gems of the depth of our own Truth.  Just as in childbirth, birthing new expressions of ourselves is not always comfortable and pain-free.  Do your best to open to the duality of the journey.

My thoughts have also centered around those of us starting out on their spiritual journey hoping to get it "right".

We will always experience uncontrolled events, polarity of the human life, and loses of loved ones.  The idea of conscious manifestation is not the ability to control every aspect of your life.  Conscious living does not equal the perfect life.  When things go "wrong", it doesn't mean you have failed.  Try not to fear the chaos.  The tapestry being woven is not for us to see.  If we could see everything that lies ahead, we would try to control it.  The unseen is meant to deepen our experience.

And, the next time you find yourself being knocked to the sand, remember, the best shells are hidden just below the sand's surface.

Surfs Up!
