Something miraculous is coming!
Into the Great Wide Open
The Natural Wisdom of the Universe places me in the perfect place to receive the message it would have me deliver, for this I am grateful. Grant to yourself a moment today to hear your message.
As I was walking along a familiar path, I began to experience the landscape differently. There among a group of trees was a significantly taller tree shining magnificently. It was as though all the other trees embodied a reverence for this magnificence. I soon was made to feel that the other trees, too, held a magnificence all their own. I immediately was filled with equal reverence for all the trees though they showed up so very uniquely. The importance of each one to the whole was felt deeply.
There are times when we may view others as sending all the right messages and living successful lives putting us in a position to feel poorly about ourselves instead of seeing it as an inspiration. What we forget to embody is our own magnificence.
We do not need to do things a certain way. There are no rules of how to bring about our purpose, our passion. There are no scripted steps to take to reach success.
Listen to what speaks to you, not what you see everyone else doing. There is no standard that you need to live up to. Identify what "success" truly means to you. Be true to your heart. If you are feeling overwhelmed or pressured to do something, you may want to take a second look at this. Creating from your heart should not put pressure on you and make you feel unworthy.
Each moment is another opportunity to begin again, to be present, and to allow communion with the Divine to share what is in our hearts through creation. It's all here for each of us, every moment. There is nothing we need to become or do to be worthy to rejoice in the creation of life. Just listen to our heart, hear what lights us up and listen to how we would like to share it with the world. We each have the innate wisdom of how we would like to create. We have the answers. It is a matter of connecting to the wisdom within.
Remember, one tree holds berries,
another tree blooms flowers,
yet another bears fruit,
one birth pine cones
and another produces pine nuts.
All are needed.
All are important.
All have gifts to share.
Bear your gifts to the world.
BE yourself!
Embrace your magnificence!
In the beauty of all the trees together is the orchestra of the forest presenting the symphony of the Wisdom of Nature.
"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." - Thich Nhat Hanh
In memory of Thich Nhat Hanh ~ may we continue to shine the Light.
I see the Glory of your life force,
I Am a Believer!
Come, take my hand.....
In my vision, I see a beautiful crystal lake surrounded by evergreens with snow-capped mountains laid against a brilliant sunset. I feel as though I am on the edge of the world. This place, though looking like an Earthly existence, is not of this world ~ it is another dimension in space. The message I receive is: "peaceful connection". Peaceful connection to the Self and then reaching out to a peaceful connection to All.
Longing for a peaceful connection and a dissolving of a conditional world.
Please take a moment to absorb this.
This is the invitation. We each hold a sacred space within the whole. A sacred space for creation to move through us.
How would you like to journey?
What interests do you have?
Understanding the signs you receive, developing your intuition, connecting with departed loved ones, exploring past lives, creating a balance with your mind, body & soul, or getting to know yourself deeply through Shadow work, or possibly all the above?
Know, trust, love thyself.
Let's take the first steps together.
It would be my honor to journey with you. I excite in teaching all that I practice. Whether your interest is in readings, Reiki, Shadow work, mind/body/soul balance, or evolving through the levels of consciousness, I am here to guide and support you.
In-person, on Zoom, or by phone, the choice is yours. Some clients enjoy the ease of a Zoom call, others prefer to make a peaceful retreat of their session with no interruptions, so we meet in person. Whether starting new to this study, or possibly fallen off track, or in the midst of a continued practice, I will meet you where you are.
Feel the wave of life energy move you!!
Happy 2022!!
"Quiet the mind and the Soul will speak."
Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
Winter Solstice: Madly, Truly Love
I especially take great joy in waking to a morning where the full moon still shows herself to greet me. Seeing her radiantly glowing in the sky, I immediately feel a sense of gentle softness ~ nurturing wisdom bubbling up from within with a touch of wildness. This wildness is not fragmented or out of sorts. It is the true feeling one embodies of being wild when they are free within themselves. Free to be themselves, free to speak their truth, free to laugh loudly because being alive is a miraculous blessing. The moon is of that energy. Wild freedom with the sense of being gently nurtured. We are of that energy and this is realized from within.
This Higher Power exhibiting through the Natural World is a life force all it's own. One not of logic, but of mysticism. Where miracles over matter show us what is possible. A world where we are not meant to always understand how, why, or what, but to celebrate the blessings as they come. A place in time for the logical mind to let go and our heart to embrace Spirit. A time to trust that no one or nothing is ever truly lost.
Allow the Natural World, the Holy Life-Giving Spirit from within, to fill you. Be still. Listen to your heart. Trust what you hear. Know you are never alone.
If you are not in a space to hear or see this Light-Giving Energy, that's okay too. And, if you feel moved to, just ask to see. Ask for illumination. "Illuminate me!" Allow this to be your mantra.
Rest as the Life-Giving Energy illuminates you from within.
May the magical beauty of this season plant the seed of Love in your heart to brightly bloom forever.
Peace from my heart to yours,
Can You Take Me Higher?
As I begin to write, I am engulfed with the blessing of experiencing a magnificent spring day in Ohio. The air is crisp, but not cold - jacket is optional. The sky is a baby blue and the clouds of white puff balls are scattered in an endless array of nature's design. The sun's warmth and light adorns the landscape. I am able to feel all living creatures, including myself, drinking in the beauty of the day. As someone raised on the East Coast, being here in Ohio, I find there is something magically intoxicating about the sky in Ohio. I feel a sense of limitlessness abundance every time I gaze upwards. Though it is the same sky in both areas, it shows up in a different way. I am sure we can all relate to that concept - showing up differently depending on our environment. We tend to maneuver based on our beliefs, conditioning and the people around us in the moment. We conform, we self protect, we dim ourselves, we give away our personal power. So many of us choose to not fully walk in the Light of who we are because in order to do so, we must be in acceptance of the Shadow of who we are. The Truth of the Self causes us to lose the false sense of control we think we have. The Truth causes transformation......and change can be frightening.
Allow yourself to step forward and stand in the fullness that is YOU. Slowly release old thought patterns that keep you trapped in a place hidden away from experiencing the fullness of life. As we bring our awareness and compassion to our emotions, thoughts and patterns, we begin to feel comfortable allowing full expression. As we begin to understand ourselves, we develop the freedom to be our true self. We no longer need what's outside of us to change or be controlled to supply a source of comfort for us. We become that source of safety and comfort for ourselves. We begin to be able to allow what/who is outside of us to be exactly as they are because we cultivate safety within ourselves. We have established an inner connection to that part of ourselves that is uplifted and connected to a higher source. We recognize and activate our innate wisdom into our reality.
Let us give ourselves permission to live each day and every moment immersed in the truth of our creative beauty within. Let us express this beauty outward and shine for all to see!
The East Coast has its beauty as well. The ocean gives us that same feeling of limitless abundance, and coaxes us to reach for our strength and personal power. The Universe of Nature is always here to remind us of how powerful we are and at the same time, the need to balance with the Laws of the Universe of Nature. There is beauty in everything, its all about what you choose to see and who you choose to BE.
Fly Free,
I Hear You Knocking
The best of all of you. The joy and the pain. The achievements and the disappointments. All is the glory of you!
Dissatisfied - Distrustful - Disheartened - Disenchanted = Disconnection
So, why do we feel disconnected? Because we have hidden our essence. Why do we hide our true essence? We fear rejection. We have an innate desire to be accepted and so we keep our true selves safely tucked away. Somewhere along life's journey we have been shamed for being our true selves. We go forward, guarded and begin to judge ourselves. We don't want our Rebellious Teenager, or our Scared Little Child, or our Martyr to get out there for all to see. We lock away these parts of ourselves out of fear of rejection as well as attention. Unfortunately, we also lock away our true essence. We are careful to show only what we think will be accepted and maneuver through life with masks that we create for a false sence of "protection". The problem is we are not being true to ourselves and so, there is a continued sense of disconnection. This disconnection surfaces in many different forms. And because of it, we tend to look outside of ourselves for answers and for approval.
The thing is, our true essence is a combination of all of our parts - human and divine. Through our discovery of all our parts and their experiences, we develop and mature ourselves. Our natural gifts move through all of who we are, not just the shiny parts. Do not try to filter yourself and choose which parts are acceptable and which are not. All parts are you! Give them love and understanding. In this way, you make room for your Soul Gifts to come forward. It may feel a bit messy at times, but you will always feel yourself grow through the experience. Each time you express your true self, you strengthen inside. Do not give away your power by allowing others to define your self worth. Stir up your courage and look past any "risk". Through sharing your true desires and gifts, you will begin to align with those that dance to the same song.
Open to receive what you need by letting go and allowing your essence to flow!
One smile to another, let's serve each other.
Merrily Down the Stream,
Listen to Your Heart
Calm water, serene and happily flowing. The current is smooth and flawless....until it's not.
You get a thought, then a nudge, a slight discomfort. And then you get another one. Subtle, simple messaging that becomes louder and more frequent. You make a list of pros and cons and it comes out even. The confusion sets in.
As the stream continues to meander on, it becomes more turbulent, More rocks begin to appear and push the current of water in a sporadic direction.
So, too, your experience may begin to become disorienting. It may seem like one thing after another is going wrong, even as you try to course correct. Just when you think you may be turning things around, there comes in your path another "rock".
You may be approaching the water"fall" and oddly enough, quite often, you do not realize how close it is. Whether you are ready or not, one way or another, something is going to give, something is going to change.
Change. "To make or become different. Making an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity...." Change can be so uncomfortable and unpredictable. But, it is a necessary energetic shift for higher good. Everything you need to transform is within you. Similar to the caterpillar. There in his worm-like body, after a pause, he has everything he needs to grow into a butterfly. Be mindful of the pause because great things follow. The pause between caterpillar and butterfly. The pause you can feel and hear right after the water falls and lands below. The pause right before a newborn baby cries. And the pause right after a last breath of human life is taken. There is a balanced, peaceful, loving presence after the pause.
The water plummets with great, uncontrolled force to the unknown stream below. Just as your experience may feel uncontrolled. Your emotions may range from jealousy, to anger, to grief, to fear. Remember, your emotions do not define you, they are not your Truth. But, they are a compass to help you navigate your experiences. Your mind has an agenda all its own fueled by past conditioning and misbeliefs. And so, when you are experiencing the confusion of a split decision or any decision, remember your body knows your Truth. Follow your heart. Move past the masculine energy of doing and pushing ahead and step into the feminine energy of feeling and receiving. Receive what your body would like you to know.
Like a waterfall, you go in one way, flushed through turbulent and uncertain waters and come out renewed and redefined. A balanced, serine, power of Love.
Happy Kayaking,
You Can't Always Get What You Want
What is the first thing you do when you do not get what you want? Do you blame someone or something or yourself? Do you think somehow something went wrong or you did something wrong? You may feel disempowered. Faced with an unfavorable outcome or no outcome at all, you may find yourself experiencing a spiritual ego.
The Universe does not see this as hurting you. The Universe sees a path to your Soul growth. What would be the best way for you to grow and align with your Soul Lesson? This answer is different for each person. Hence, our experiences will be different.
Have you ever, in Light of not getting what you want, put blame aside and take a minute to stand still and in that stillness, breathe deeply. What you will find is that there is still joy, freedom, and love within. When you allow yourself to soften into acceptance and look at the circumstance with curiosity, you begin to feel both/and. You allow your feelings of disappointment, sadness, or anger a healthy outlet AND you look to see what you may learn about yourself.
We forget that we get what we need. We receive what we need to further our growth. We will always have wants (and that is okay!), but our relationship to these wants changes as we continue to evolve. We grow and mature and become compassionately accountable. We strengthen our patience with ourselves and we strengthen trust in ourselves.
Empowerment does not mean becoming rich and having all the answers. Empowerment is about living a rich life, a life of integrity. The deeper we go, the richer we become. Step into the shadow of yourself and heal.
This is what I teach and how I may assist you in your journey. I call this process of coaching: "Mature, Empowered Alignment". My coaching style is a combination of energetic healing, Guiding Vision Readings, Empowerment Coaching based on the levels of consciousness and spiritual teachings. It would be my honor to be of counsel to you along your journey.
Come walk with me ~ you got this!
Keep Shining!
In the Dark
When I was a little girl, I was terrified of the dark. I would dread the lights being shut off at bedtime. As the room was swallowed in darkness, I would hide under my covers, sweat beading down my face, until I fell asleep. On the rare occasion, I would muster up all my courage, stuffed animals held tightly, and slowly, hesitantly, poke my head out from under my protective covers.
Do you think what the Darkness holds will be put off by hiding?
Or will hiding provoke the Darkness even more?
What is in that Darkness that holds so much power?
At what point is there a shift in your power wherein your Soul wants to LIVE AGAIN and is courageously allowed to lead once more?
As this amazing, most powerful year comes to a close, celebrate the evolution that has transcended anything we could have foreseen. We stand now in the presence of the Light shining on the unraveling root fears of the world. The fear of Death in all its forms. Death of a relationship, death of a career, death of a loved one, death of a mindset, death of societal institutions, and so on. Allow this unraveling through the act of Surrender.
Surrender. This is a soul lesson that we all must move through - personally and collectively. We hear this term often in the mainstream. However, surrender does not always mean surrender into a peaceful, forgiving place. Quite often surrender is uncomfortable, challenging, and grief-provoking. When we surrender what we wanted or what we thought things would be, just allowing them to be what they truly are doesn't feel so good (because we want them to be something else). However, when we let go and accept the reality in front of us, this is the true beginning point of transformation. The opening into acceptance and then change. From this honest place of surrendering to our reality, we can then begin to make wise and evolved choices moving forward.
Just the knowing that we are being held is enough to muster up our courage. Come out from your protective covers and LIVE AGAIN!
Forgive, engage, and stand up together. Allow Love to be at the core of all you do. Heal, renew, and shine the Love and Light of Spirit in our world.
CELEBRATE that which within you and around you is Holy and Pure. Offer kindness and compassion because it matters.
Humbled and with gratitude we release 2020 and openly, with hope in our hearts, we welcome 2021!
With Loving-Kindness,
"Well there's a rose in a fisted glove
And the eagle flies with the dove
And if you can't be with the one you love, honey
Love the one you're with" Stephen Stills
Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Pet, Friend, Co-worker, Teacher - love the one right in front of you!
Peace on Earth!
Arms Wide Open
I hope all who are reading this had the opportunity to connect with loved ones during the Thanksgiving break, although to some, things may have looked a bit differently this year than usual. As we begin to enter another season of heightened health concern, I would like to redirect you to what feels right to you. Know that we will be told a lot of different ideas that may contradict one another and fear will be a prevalent emotion in the mainstream. The concerns we have are real, for our health, safety, and the well being of the ones we love. The age of technology has shifted into high demand and seems to have consumed many especially our teens. Teens and technology ~ whew! It is a difficult path to navigate. Technology is amazing and can take us lots of places, but it also has its place. However, our children are being prepared for a very different world than the one we once knew.
We may not see the reason for everything that is changing, but I trust there is a purpose. I trust in the evolution of things, though lately this trust has been put to the test. It is challenging when you cannot see the outcome. This is where it becomes important to stand fully in your Self. Your inner heart space will hold steady when things around you are not.
As you move through this uncertain time, remember to check in with yourself. Pick and choose the information you wish to hear and then decide things for yourself. Choose what works for you. Listen to your boundaries as well as your personal needs. No one has YOUR answers. Please remember that. And the person that does things differently is not doing things wrong either. We can only do our very own best.
One thing I know for sure is that we all need unconditional love and connection. As fearful messages find their way back into our collective, please know I am here holding space for you. Real conversation, face-to-face connection, true inner empowerment. Take some time and reach out. Give yourself this meaningful space to connect, unpack, and unwind. I am here to listen, guide and empower you. I realize many have been compromised financially, but do not let that hold you back from reaching out; discounts are available for my services. Sessions are available in person, by phone, or Zoom.
May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears ~ naturally unfolding yourself in the journey of your life.
What Am I Without You
Did you ever have the experience where you felt stuck and almost caged, your patience beyond tested? Or possibly you went into something expecting to experience it one way, relaxed and uplifted, but instead, you had an unpleasant time, feeling restless and anything but what you had anticipated. Frustration and disappointment, how can this be? After all the meditations, the positivity, the evolved thinking, how can this be?
The expectation of the ego - not getting what you want or think you need or losing what you have. The ego sees it one way - something went wrong, or something is wrong with you. This experience, whichever one it is, is not good. How quickly can you move past it? You reach and try to change it into something else.
The Soul sees it in a whole different way. The experience is that of contrast. The Divine's way of allowing you to learn and feel the full spectrum of what your truth is. Having these experiences cultivates and strengthens you to learn to trust yourself. It is an opportunity to build and design your own compass. Own your truth, honor your truth, and live your truth.
In the moments of frustration, disappointment, confusion, I step outside.
I become one with the rain, one with the grass, one with the sky.
There is no separation, I become one with Nature.
I stop and stand still and I take a breath and listen.
In a moment's time, I am shifted.
For I AM whole and you are too.
And when you truly know this, a sense of relief washes over you.
You are free to be YOU.
You have always been.
The only thing that keeps you from this Truth is you.
Remember, the Light always finds a way through the fog.
"If we take care of Nature, Nature will take care of us."
-David Attenborough
Keep Uplifting One Another,
Just Call Me Angel
"I can catch the moon in my hands!" Won't you come join me?
Were you ever in a place where no matter what you tried, you just kept coming back to a blockage? Every way you turned, whether it be relationship, money, career, you keep hitting a wall. You begin to wonder "what am I doing wrong?". There is nothing wrong. It is actually an intelligent system unfolding. Unfolding YOU. Peeling away what needs to be transitioned and evolved. A belief, a perspective, a person in your life that has come into your field to help uncover something of value for you to learn about yourself.
You cannot move forward without first being in full acceptance of where you are. And sometimes, we do not want to see where we have a tendency to resonate. Once you are willing to look and accept, you will feel a subtle shift; the beginning of a release of a tight grip. It will be a tightness that you recognize well. It will be something you have tried feverishly in the past to make go away. Whether it presents as physical or emotional pain, looking for something outside yourself to help cure you.
Root healing begins with honesty. We tend to shy away from being honest with ourselves because it can be unpleasant to stand fully in our own truth. This is because our truth will be all those things that we don't want to be in addition to all the amazing things we enjoy being. We also may be standing alone for some time as we unwind the layers of suppression. It is challenging to make the commitment to do this self-work, even exhausting at times. However, it will also be life-giving, life-altering, and self-empowering.
Be the star in your life and shine brightly! I am here for guidance and support. Let's work together to fill up your senses!
The season of Fall empowers! For this season, I am offering a package of three 60-minute sessions for $200. Contact me to schedule your three sessions ~ a wonderful combination of readings, coaching, and healing energy work.
Shoot for the Stars,
Wisdom in the Wind
Wisdom comes through the winds of change. It can come through emotions of joy, anger, even heartbreak. It comes at different stages of life and different seasons. It keeps us growing. It keeps us fluid. It keeps us open. It keeps us evolving. Nature has a way to keep rhythm and accompanies us through the wind of evolving wisdom.
However, there are times when we feel stagnant. Our emotional body and mental body lose their balance. We become overwhelmed in an emotional experience. At some point in our stuckness, we must remind ourselves of the balance movement provides. Physical movement helps restore the balance between our emotions, our mind, and our body. Physical movement gives the balance of unity and aids each body to move through difficult times. When times get the toughest, I make a conscious effort to move my body...and so I walk. I walk and walk some more.
I go to my favorite place to walk. As I step out of the car, the tightness in my shoulders almost instantly begins to melt away in the peaceful atmosphere. I take a deep breath. At this special place, there is an almost constant breeze. The cool breeze refreshingly wets my skin. It's a humid breeze that feels cool when it's blowing but warm and sticky when it stops. The kind of breeze that reminds me of the beach. I close my eyes. I hear the sound of the Piping Plover Bird flying overhead. It's a bird that frequents Ohio but is also found along the ocean. And as I have my eyes closed, I listen to the distant cars traveling Route 3. I envision myself at the beach and the cars, they become the sound of the ocean waves. Perspective, I am reminded, it's all about perspective. And as I begin to walk, there in my path, lies an acorn. Strength and potential is the message. Here, I am also reminded that I am supported. We all have strength and we all are supported by the Divine Universe. We see this when we are ready.
So as summer comes to an end and we begin to embark on a new season, keep in mind the balance, the unity. We cannot avoid dips and turns, but we can cultivate our tools to move through them.
We feel, we fumble, and we do our best to learn to forgive....and we grow.
We grow and we learn and continue to move forward....or we don't. And therein lies wisdom also. If you find you are not moving, that's okay too. But when you are ready, go ahead and begin by wiggling your fingers, wiggling your toes, and then slowly take steps to move again. One foot in front of the your own pace. Nature will be there to support you. To help you breathe in life again, no matter what season.
So, come walk with me, come talk with me and let's grow. We evolve together.
Sweet Summer's End,
Queen of Hearts
Sometimes happiness can be elusive. Sadness can creep in almost unnoticed, especially in times as the ones we are currently experiencing. Happiness is not something we can just "expect" to be graced with. However, we can cultivate it within ourselves. Discovering the wisdom of our inner self gives us the ability to reach for the tools that help to create a felt sense inside.
Recently, I was asked "what was the best part on my trip out of town". My answer, playing badminton and cards with the kids. The simple moments warm my heart the most. Crazy eights, gin rummy, go-fish, poker, blackjack, sitting around the table, seeing the ones I love across from me are sure ways to bring on a smile. My kids and I play, with me as the one usually borrowing chips in the end. A true reminder that it's okay to lose and it's okay to win ~ it's all about the fun along the way.
I also love to dance and sing. Music fills my heart with happiness and gives me a sense of freedom. As soon as I hear music, my body begins to move. It has its own language. My body moves in response to the vibration. All logic disappears and I become one with Source Energy. For my children, therein lies a very different experience. "Oh, mom! Please stop!" is usually what I hear if they are near. Expression is not comfortable when one is trying their best to conform...something we have all done at one time or another.
It's okay to be happy ~ even now during these times.
It's okay to express yourself.
We are different for a reason.
We offer a beauty of Self all our own.
Do not reject your emotions as they are your personal compass. Continue to feel everything you are feeling. And if you are not ready to dance and sing, that's okay too. Just hold the possibility of bringing Light to the imbalances around us. The fear, the heaviness, the anger all need a balance. Our laughter, our joy, our playfulness is that balance. Don't be afraid to be happy and have fun when the moment presents itself.
So, when you are ready, add song back into Life and back into the world. As each new day begins, share a smile, add some laughter, maybe even do a little dance. No one promised us a rose garden, but we can still plant flowers along the way. Remember the importance of balance.
Turn off the news.
Turn up the music.
And open your heart.
Remember what happiness is!
Together, let's bring Heaven to Earth!
Peace to you this sweet moment,
In the Still of the Night
The silence of the night. Within the deepest, darkest depths there is a pause. A stillness that is palpable. The silence is incredible. Everything feels as though it ceases. It's a world unto itself. And then, the sun gently, almost unnoticeably begins to welcome us. Though the sun rises slowly, without your awareness, it is easily missed. The dawn of a new day begins to appear. The darkness of the night is graced with the light of the day.
In the still of the night, my son lost 4 of his 6 chickens to a mama raccoon feeding her family. He had raised these chickens from baby chicks all through his home quarantine. His most favorite, Cornbread, was sadly one of the ones lost. Life is like that. Life brings us lessons and experiences to gauge life going forward. It brings us information that is needed to go forward, just not always in the way we would choose to receive. It is our Higher Self experiencing form. Needless to say, his chicken coop is now fully secured.
He chose to create a goodbye ceremony for his "Ladies" (as he called them). The innate intelligence of this request satisfied an inner need. Ceremony engages the Soul and evokes the Spirit. Ceremony is a time for us to acknowledge something ending and helps us to ease into the next phase through the connection of Spirit.
During the ceremony, he said each chicken's name and then, one by one, he would play Taps on his trumpet and light a firework. He saved Cornbread's salute for last. I reminded him that it's never truly "goodbye", it's "until we meet again".
With Love I wish you peace and safety along your journey until we meet again,
Chip Away
One day, my daughter, Amy, shared with me that she would like to paint. So, I purchased two canvases and some acrylic paint. She sat down and with no instruction or direction, she began to paint. I was interested to see what she would create. On Mother's Day, she gifted me two paintings. She said she wanted me to have her first two paintings. As I gazed in wonder at these works of art, it became clear. She had painted my passion. My life's work. The Universe was speaking. I knew this to be true because I could feel it in my heart. The Glory of the Sun balanced by the rhythm of the Moon. My passion to help clients through their Dark so they may see their Light. Be their Light. Live their Light.
We must not be afraid to live our Light, to be authentic. We must strip away that which holds us back. Strip away all that does not serve. Living in your Light does not mean living a perfect life. Living in your Light means to live in the authenticity of who you are, striving to be your best.
Earth is teaching this to us now. Bringing the collective to a common ground to learn the lesson of inequality. Sexual inequality, political inequality, environmental inequality, and racial inequality. A mother must sometimes be stern. She must become more clear and direct. Her message must be heard for her children's well being. Are we listening?
Yes, the Ones listening are growing. We, as a collective and as individuals, are growing and transforming together. However, transformation is a process. The more Dark that can come to the surface, the more Light may reach it and it may be healed.
So, in going forward, bring awareness to your automatic, subtle measurements of not enough and superiority. Look closely at your core beliefs. But always look with self-love and compassion. Remember, the journey is to evolve, not to punish.
I look outside to the brilliant, green leaves on the trees. The birds are happily singing. The gentle clouds surrender to the sky in a calm way. There is peaceful ease that begins to comfort my heart. It is sunset. It looks beautiful because it is beautiful.
Amidst the distraction, chaos, and disease, there continues to be Beauty. Surrender to it. Allow it to fill you up...because this is life. You must bring your awareness to the Beauty. Pray to the Higher Power for courage and strength and then allow the Peace of Divinity to fill your heart because this is an answer. Seeing the Beauty in each moment while your heart soothes your Self with Peace in Light of ALL things challenging. This is It. Our gracious miracle. I humbly bow my head and am filled with gratitude in honor of this Life.
Like a rolling stone, chip away at the hard covering, the protective shield. Allow your heart to melt away that which holds you back.
Being Held Gently,
Thank My Lucky Stars
Wow, we are so blessed!
I am filled with a deep reverence for the Grace of this day's end. As I watch awestruck in the presence of the sun setting, I am reminded how ALL the colors and flavors of our life create the tapestry of the Beauty of life. It is a true blessing when you are able to look back on your life and see why things happened the way they did. You see the work of art that is your life and the deep wisdom that creates and is shared. Feel this in your heart and know this to be true. Open your heart and breathe Life in. Be filled with this Grand Beauty.
Lay your head down gently tonight.
I thank my lucky stars to be alive in this moment, now and forever.
May We Be Filled with Peace,
Love You to the Moon
We've all heard the term "Goddess". And we know the Goddess is associated with the moon. But, did you know YOU are a Goddess? Can you FEEL the Goddess within you on a regular basis? Does the Goddess within you make decisions for you or is it your wounded self?
The term Goddess has been misplaced and misinterpreted over the years. It has taken on a dark, egotic role for the most part. However, now more than ever, fully embodying your Goddess Energy, your woman energy, is vitally important to the healing of the world.
How do we do this if we do not truly understand what it is to embody Goddess Energy? Up until now, collectively, we have done a great job of stuffing her sensitivity down, quieting her natural knowing, and numbing out her uniqueness because we are too worried about what others may think or how we will be perceived.
In this attempt to conform, there is a greatness that is being lost. There is freedom being caged. There is a joy being held back.
We all have "wants". The question becomes, are you "willing"? Are you willing to put your "want" into action? Are you willing to be vulnerable with your feelings? Are you willing to look within at your own self? Are you willing to look at your fears?
The first step, SLOW DOWN. Though you may have had this opportunity in a unique way recently, have you truly looked within? You cannot hear the goddess within if you do not give time, stillness, respect, and space in which she can emerge.
You must cultivate your Goddess.
You must regain her trust to experience her re-emerge into your life.
Let's learn again how to speak and live our Truth - the truth of who we are with kindness and no apologies.
Ask your busy mind and active ego to take a seat and allow your Soul to lead.
You will know when you've embodied your True Goddess Energy when you are able to balance your inner landscape in the truth of who you are at your core. You will begin to see the world with true love. And, men, you can work to balance your inner landscape as well.
In support of one another, let's do this together! It would be my honor to work with you to release what weighs you down and graciously ignite the Light that is YOU!
L: Lots
O: Of
V: Valuable
E: Energy!
And So It Is,
From one Goddess to another,
Someone very dear to me gave me this wise message. I would like to share it with all of you. Surrender and allow Love Energy to fill you!
Basket of Brilliance
A time for renewal.
A time for new life.
A symbol of hope.
May each day be a new beginning.
Protect and care for your human life.
It's a privilege.
It's an honor.
It's not forever.
No ONE is disposable. We are ALL equal.
Slow down enough to feel what is deep in your heart.
It only unfolds when you become still enough to hear it.
Share what is in your heart.
That is what is real.
That is Truth.
We are not in control. Respect that.
Now that we have received a clear message, go forward in peace with hope in your heart.
In all moments, whether we see it or not, our worlds are interwoven Brilliance!
Feel the shift.
Be the shift.
Beings being Held.
Peace Be With You,
United We Stand
I would like to begin April's sharing by bowing our heads and taking a couple of minutes to offer our respect and gratitude for those who have transitioned their human life here on Earth during this uncertain time.
Closed border or no closed border, the boundaries are fading. We are all in this together. Not just here in the US, but all around the world. Interconnected.
We watch and feel helpless, confused, scared as Mother Earth shifts to rebalance. We feel a loss of control. A control we never had; therein lies the illusion. We are being reminded of this on a very real and up close measure.
Just know we do not need to be superficial versions of positivity. Allow yourself to feel what it is you are feeling....fearful, anxious, isolated. In those dark moments of feeling alone and thinking "is this really happening", know you are not alone. Return to the Truth and depth of being, living, breathing as One.
PRAY: Dig deep to bring your trust and faith in the Higher Wisdom of the Natural World forth.
MOVE: Get physical by doing yoga, yard work, stretching, walking, dancing. Swing your arms, wiggle your toes ~ just move your body.
SING: Sing a song out loud, hum a tune. Feel the vibration of music within your heart.
CONNECT TO JOY: Remind yourself of a moment, gaze at a picture, think of a person that fills your heart with bliss.