Just Call Me Angel

"I can catch the moon in my hands!"  Won't you come join me?

Were you ever in a place where no matter what you tried, you just kept coming back to a blockage?  Every way you turned, whether it be relationship, money, career, you keep hitting a wall.  You begin to wonder "what am I doing wrong?".  There is nothing wrong.  It is actually an intelligent system unfolding.  Unfolding YOU.  Peeling away what needs to be transitioned and evolved.  A belief, a perspective, a person in your life that has come into your field to help uncover something of value for you to learn about yourself.

You cannot move forward without first being in full acceptance of where you are.  And sometimes, we do not want to see where we have a tendency to resonate.  Once you are willing to look and accept, you will feel a subtle shift; the beginning of a release of a tight grip.  It will be a tightness that you recognize well.  It will be something you have tried feverishly in the past to make go away.  Whether it presents as physical or emotional pain, looking for something outside yourself to help cure you. 

Root healing begins with honesty.  We tend to shy away from being honest with ourselves because it can be unpleasant to stand fully in our own truth.  This is because our truth will be all those things that we don't want to be in addition to all the amazing things we enjoy being.  We also may be standing alone for some time as we unwind the layers of suppression. It is challenging to make the commitment to do this self-work, even exhausting at times.  However, it will also be life-giving, life-altering, and self-empowering.

Be the star in your life and shine brightly!  I am here for guidance and support.  Let's work together to fill up your senses!

The season of Fall empowers!  For this season, I am offering a package of three 60-minute sessions for $200.  Contact me to schedule your three sessions ~ a wonderful combination of readings, coaching, and healing energy work.

Shoot for the Stars,
