Listen to Your Heart

Calm water, serene and happily flowing. The current is smooth and flawless....until it's not.

You get a thought, then a nudge, a slight discomfort. And then you get another one. Subtle, simple messaging that becomes louder and more frequent. You make a list of pros and cons and it comes out even. The confusion sets in.

As the stream continues to meander on, it becomes more turbulent, More rocks begin to appear and push the current of water in a sporadic direction.

So, too, your experience may begin to become disorienting. It may seem like one thing after another is going wrong, even as you try to course correct. Just when you think you may be turning things around, there comes in your path another "rock".

You may be approaching the water"fall" and oddly enough, quite often, you do not realize how close it is. Whether you are ready or not, one way or another, something is going to give, something is going to change.

Change. "To make or become different. Making an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity...." Change can be so uncomfortable and unpredictable. But, it is a necessary energetic shift for higher good. Everything you need to transform is within you. Similar to the caterpillar. There in his worm-like body, after a pause, he has everything he needs to grow into a butterfly. Be mindful of the pause because great things follow. The pause between caterpillar and butterfly. The pause you can feel and hear right after the water falls and lands below. The pause right before a newborn baby cries. And the pause right after a last breath of human life is taken. There is a balanced, peaceful, loving presence after the pause.

The water plummets with great, uncontrolled force to the unknown stream below. Just as your experience may feel uncontrolled. Your emotions may range from jealousy, to anger, to grief, to fear. Remember, your emotions do not define you, they are not your Truth. But, they are a compass to help you navigate your experiences. Your mind has an agenda all its own fueled by past conditioning and misbeliefs. And so, when you are experiencing the confusion of a split decision or any decision, remember your body knows your Truth. Follow your heart. Move past the masculine energy of doing and pushing ahead and step into the feminine energy of feeling and receiving. Receive what your body would like you to know.

Like a waterfall, you go in one way, flushed through turbulent and uncertain waters and come out renewed and redefined. A balanced, serine, power of Love.

Happy Kayaking,