What is the first thing you do when you do not get what you want? Do you blame someone or something or yourself? Do you think somehow something went wrong or you did something wrong? You may feel disempowered. Faced with an unfavorable outcome or no outcome at all, you may find yourself experiencing a spiritual ego.
The Universe does not see this as hurting you. The Universe sees a path to your Soul growth. What would be the best way for you to grow and align with your Soul Lesson? This answer is different for each person. Hence, our experiences will be different.
Have you ever, in Light of not getting what you want, put blame aside and take a minute to stand still and in that stillness, breathe deeply. What you will find is that there is still joy, freedom, and love within. When you allow yourself to soften into acceptance and look at the circumstance with curiosity, you begin to feel both/and. You allow your feelings of disappointment, sadness, or anger a healthy outlet AND you look to see what you may learn about yourself.
We forget that we get what we need. We receive what we need to further our growth. We will always have wants (and that is okay!), but our relationship to these wants changes as we continue to evolve. We grow and mature and become compassionately accountable. We strengthen our patience with ourselves and we strengthen trust in ourselves.
Empowerment does not mean becoming rich and having all the answers. Empowerment is about living a rich life, a life of integrity. The deeper we go, the richer we become. Step into the shadow of yourself and heal.
This is what I teach and how I may assist you in your journey. I call this process of coaching: "Mature, Empowered Alignment". My coaching style is a combination of energetic healing, Guiding Vision Readings, Empowerment Coaching based on the levels of consciousness and spiritual teachings. It would be my honor to be of counsel to you along your journey.
Come walk with me ~ you got this!
Keep Shining!