I hope all who are reading this had the opportunity to connect with loved ones during the Thanksgiving break, although to some, things may have looked a bit differently this year than usual. As we begin to enter another season of heightened health concern, I would like to redirect you to what feels right to you. Know that we will be told a lot of different ideas that may contradict one another and fear will be a prevalent emotion in the mainstream. The concerns we have are real, for our health, safety, and the well being of the ones we love. The age of technology has shifted into high demand and seems to have consumed many especially our teens. Teens and technology ~ whew! It is a difficult path to navigate. Technology is amazing and can take us lots of places, but it also has its place. However, our children are being prepared for a very different world than the one we once knew.
We may not see the reason for everything that is changing, but I trust there is a purpose. I trust in the evolution of things, though lately this trust has been put to the test. It is challenging when you cannot see the outcome. This is where it becomes important to stand fully in your Self. Your inner heart space will hold steady when things around you are not.
As you move through this uncertain time, remember to check in with yourself. Pick and choose the information you wish to hear and then decide things for yourself. Choose what works for you. Listen to your boundaries as well as your personal needs. No one has YOUR answers. Please remember that. And the person that does things differently is not doing things wrong either. We can only do our very own best.
One thing I know for sure is that we all need unconditional love and connection. As fearful messages find their way back into our collective, please know I am here holding space for you. Real conversation, face-to-face connection, true inner empowerment. Take some time and reach out. Give yourself this meaningful space to connect, unpack, and unwind. I am here to listen, guide and empower you. I realize many have been compromised financially, but do not let that hold you back from reaching out; discounts are available for my services. Sessions are available in person, by phone, or Zoom.
May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears ~ naturally unfolding yourself in the journey of your life.