We've all heard the term "Goddess". And we know the Goddess is associated with the moon. But, did you know YOU are a Goddess? Can you FEEL the Goddess within you on a regular basis? Does the Goddess within you make decisions for you or is it your wounded self?
The term Goddess has been misplaced and misinterpreted over the years. It has taken on a dark, egotic role for the most part. However, now more than ever, fully embodying your Goddess Energy, your woman energy, is vitally important to the healing of the world.
How do we do this if we do not truly understand what it is to embody Goddess Energy? Up until now, collectively, we have done a great job of stuffing her sensitivity down, quieting her natural knowing, and numbing out her uniqueness because we are too worried about what others may think or how we will be perceived.
In this attempt to conform, there is a greatness that is being lost. There is freedom being caged. There is a joy being held back.
We all have "wants". The question becomes, are you "willing"? Are you willing to put your "want" into action? Are you willing to be vulnerable with your feelings? Are you willing to look within at your own self? Are you willing to look at your fears?
The first step, SLOW DOWN. Though you may have had this opportunity in a unique way recently, have you truly looked within? You cannot hear the goddess within if you do not give time, stillness, respect, and space in which she can emerge.
You must cultivate your Goddess.
You must regain her trust to experience her re-emerge into your life.
Let's learn again how to speak and live our Truth - the truth of who we are with kindness and no apologies.
Ask your busy mind and active ego to take a seat and allow your Soul to lead.
You will know when you've embodied your True Goddess Energy when you are able to balance your inner landscape in the truth of who you are at your core. You will begin to see the world with true love. And, men, you can work to balance your inner landscape as well.
In support of one another, let's do this together! It would be my honor to work with you to release what weighs you down and graciously ignite the Light that is YOU!
L: Lots
O: Of
V: Valuable
E: Energy!
And So It Is,
From one Goddess to another,