Into the Great Wide Open

The Natural Wisdom of the Universe places me in the perfect place to receive the message it would have me deliver, for this I am grateful. Grant to yourself a moment today to hear your message.


As I was walking along a familiar path, I began to experience the landscape differently. There among a group of trees was a significantly taller tree shining magnificently. It was as though all the other trees embodied a reverence for this magnificence. I soon was made to feel that the other trees, too, held a magnificence all their own. I immediately was filled with equal reverence for all the trees though they showed up so very uniquely. The importance of each one to the whole was felt deeply.

There are times when we may view others as sending all the right messages and living successful lives putting us in a position to feel poorly about ourselves instead of seeing it as an inspiration. What we forget to embody is our own magnificence.

We do not need to do things a certain way. There are no rules of how to bring about our purpose, our passion. There are no scripted steps to take to reach success.

Listen to what speaks to you, not what you see everyone else doing. There is no standard that you need to live up to. Identify what "success" truly means to you. Be true to your heart. If you are feeling overwhelmed or pressured to do something, you may want to take a second look at this. Creating from your heart should not put pressure on you and make you feel unworthy.

Each moment is another opportunity to begin again, to be present, and to allow communion with the Divine to share what is in our hearts through creation.
It's all here for each of us, every moment. There is nothing we need to become or do to be worthy to rejoice in the creation of life. Just listen to our heart, hear what lights us up and listen to how we would like to share it with the world. We each have the innate wisdom of how we would like to create. We have the answers. It is a matter of connecting to the wisdom within.

Remember, one tree holds berries,
another tree blooms flowers,
yet another bears fruit,
one birth pine cones
and another produces pine nuts.
All are needed.
All are important.
All have gifts to share.
Bear your gifts to the world.
BE yourself!
Embrace your magnificence!

In the beauty of all the trees together is the orchestra of the forest presenting the symphony of the Wisdom of Nature.

"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." - Thich Nhat Hanh

In memory of Thich Nhat Hanh ~ may we continue to shine the Light.

I see the Glory of your life force,