May, 2021: I Hear You Knocking

The best of all of you. The joy and the pain. The achievements and the disappointments. All is the glory of you!


Dissatisfied - Distrustful - Disheartened - Disenchanted = Disconnection

So, why do we feel disconnected? Because we have hidden our essence. Why do we hide our true essence? We fear rejection. We have an innate desire to be accepted and so we keep our true selves safely tucked away. Somewhere along life's journey we have been shamed for being our true selves. We go forward, guarded and begin to judge ourselves. We don't want our Rebellious Teenager, or our Scared Little Child, or our Martyr to get out there for all to see. We lock away these parts of ourselves out of fear of rejection as well as attention. Unfortunately, we also lock away our true essence. We are careful to show only what we think will be accepted and maneuver through life with masks that we create for a false sence of "protection". The problem is we are not being true to ourselves and so, there is a continued sense of disconnection. This disconnection surfaces in many different forms. And because of it, we tend to look outside of ourselves for answers and for approval.

The thing is, our true essence is a combination of all of our parts - human and divine. Through our discovery of all our parts and their experiences, we develop and mature ourselves. Our natural gifts move through all of who we are, not just the shiny parts. Do not try to filter yourself and choose which parts are acceptable and which are not. All parts are you! Give them love and understanding. In this way, you make room for your Soul Gifts to come forward. It may feel a bit messy at times, but you will always feel yourself grow through the experience. Each time you express your true self, you strengthen inside. Do not give away your power by allowing others to define your self worth. Stir up your courage and look past any "risk". Through sharing your true desires and gifts, you will begin to align with those that dance to the same song.

Open to receive what you need by letting go and allowing your essence to flow!

One smile to another, let's serve each other.
Merrily Down the Stream,