The holiday season can be either tricky, chaotic, sad, smooth, or joyful. It can be a mixture of all these things as well. And so our emotions follow suite.
As we bring our awareness to a tree, we see it exists through all seasons. It is not choosing to "be" patient during the uncomfortable days of cold weather, rain or snow.
The tree is just "being". Being what it is in that very moment without trying to be something else. The tree is experiencing the true sense of the word.
During your spiritual evolution, please continue to practice patience or kindness as an exercise of behavior. But know"being" is about allowing.
Allowing each and every emotion/experience to fulfill its course.
Allow the anger.
Allow the discomfort of change in flow with your personal Truth.
Allow true joy to fill you.
Allow jealousy or negative thoughts.
Allow what brings gratitude to your heart.
See each through.
Be conscious of your emotions/experiences and follow them to their root.
Here you will discern the cause.
Here you will uncover and discover YOU.
We follow our emotions with the greatest of compassion and love of ourselves for this process brings us to a deep understanding of who we are at our core.
THAT is "being".
We are being in body, being in mind, being in Spirit.
That is our True Purpose.
This is how we give more, how we live more, and how we LOVE more!
I encourage you to hold this message close to your heart as we welcome in the New Year.
Truth Blessings to YOU in 2019!!!
Sharing the Peace,